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Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the image code?

The “image code” is a unique online code assigned to each individual photo for identification and security that allows you to preview your child’s/children’s photographs. To view a photograph just enter the code in the “enter field” at the top of our website. To see a better quality preview of your child’s photograph you will need to register on our site and log in. Use your e-mail address as your username and create your own password. Registering on our site does not commit you to making a purchase.

I and the other parent do not live together – how do we order photographs?

The image code is a unique identifier that is independent of any order you make. If you are the custodial parent you can share the image code with the other parent. They can then register their own account on our site and place their own orders. Any purchase you make is personal to you and your account only. You can also share the image code with grandparents, aunts and uncles as well if you would like them to have access to the photographs.

What is my Username?

Your username is the e-mail address you used when you registered.

What is my password?

Your password is personal to you. If you forgot the password you used when you registered, click on the link “Forgot Password”, enter the e-mail you used when you registered, and an e-mail will be sent to you with a link to re-set your password.

How do I pay for my order?

We have a secure on-line payment solution via Stripe and PayPal, where you can pay at the Checkout after adding your required products to the Shopping Cart. You can also pay by cash by returning your payment to the school/club in the supplied envelope by the due date. Or you can post the order with payment to:
William Whyte Photography
332 Old Youghal Road

Can I change the image sizes in the Packages?

We have put together a selection of packages that hopefully will suit your requirements. These Packs offer excellent value for money and unfortunately can’t be changed. If you do not find a pack that suits you, please go to View All Our Products in the left menu and click on Portraits or mounted Prints. Here you can create you own package.

Can I choose products other than the Packages that are set-up?

With William Whyte Photography you can choose exactly what you want. Select “View all our products” from the left menu and it will bring you to a wide selection of products.

I have not received my Photos?

All order’s placed through the school with free delivery are delivered to the school within 2 weeks of orders being received from the school. If the school has received the photos and yours isn’t there please contact us so we can sort it for you.
If you have ordered on-line and paid for shipping, your photos will be sent to you within 2 weeks. Again, if you do not receive them in that time please contact us.

I have received the wrong photographs

This should not happen and we apologise. Please contact us immediately so we can sort it for you.

The images have a defect or were damaged in shipping

Please let us know immediately and we will replace the defective/damaged product

I do not want to keep the photographs I ordered

As the photographs/products were produced specially for you and have no re-sale value for us we do not offer refunds. If there is a manufacturing defect or if they have been damaged in shipment, please return to us and we will replace the damaged items.